Monday, April 28, 2014

Update on Teacher preparation proposal- new information

With the assistance of Rebecca Pelton, the Executive Director of Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education MACTE, we have corrections and updates to our post from April 25th.
Thank you, Rebecca!

MACTE is not a part of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation- CAEP. MACTE is presently recognized by the USDE, along with the Teacher Education Accreditation Council- TEAC and the National Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation- NCATE.

CAEP has not gone through the recognition process. They have submitted their petition, but have not been recognized as yet. When they receive their recognition they will be considered an equal with MACTE as both would be recognized as national accreditors for teacher education programs, one for traditional and one for Montessori.

MACTE accredited teacher preparation programs are already recognized as high quality and state to the USDE that the programs are high quality and graduate competent teachers because they meet MACTE's standards and principles.

What we in the Montessori community want is to have each state recognize the credential both for licensure and at an appropriate level on its career lattice and within QRIS.

We will continue to monitor as the USDE releases information.

Montessori Forward

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