Monday, October 28, 2013

Communicate with Diplomacy and Tact, and Collectively

Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact, and Collectively 

Hello, this is Sharon Damore, Executive Director, Association of Illinois Montessori Schools (AIMS).  I am part of the new Illinois State Coalition and we have selected our issue as QRIS.  You might have viewed my recent letter to our Heads/Principals of AIMS member schools to ask them to get educated in the QRIS process in Illinois, ExeleRate Illinois, which includes training on the environmental rating scales (on this website:  go to Resources, click How to, and click on AIMS letter).

Being a good model, I have taken the training on the ECERS/ITERS and PAS in the past few weeks.  And as a result, I learned a valuable lesson that I know I need to pass on to my constituents here in Illinois.  And maybe to you.

We are at a juncture in Illinois where we are not quite ready to speak against the QRIS rating system or to make recommendations even to tweak. But we are learning quickly (from many of you).

When the trainers identified me as Montessori, I was subject to some probing and a couple of disparaging comments that I wasn’t quite prepared for (how are Montessori schools doing with QRIS or I heard there may be some issue with glass and safety?).   With all questions, I smiled, the politician in me “kicked in” and I gave responses such as “well, you will find Montessori a little different but it is a long-time, well respected, evidence based curriculum” or “that’s interesting that you should mention that, wouldn’t it be helpful for the validation to include someone with some Montessori training?”

So, the point is, I could have been defensive and told the individuals that they didn’t know what they were talking about.  BUT I didn’t and I walked away without confrontation but left behind some positive statements about Montessori education. 

Now I will have an adapted strategy that I need to communicate to my Illinis Montessori colleagues:  take the training, listen, take good notes, respond diplomatically.  Not the time to argue…. We represent one another.

And now, once a few of us are trained, we will organize our task force and further develop our strategy.  But we will respond collectively, and constructively, not as individuals, but as one voice in Illinois. 


  1. Thank you for offering this positive commentary. We have found in Colorado that taking a collaborative and information-sharing approach with policy makers as well as with those in the broader early education community has brought us success. Our state coalition, the Colorado Montessori Association, even partnered with a general early childhood association earlier this year to offer a professional development workshop for our leadership community. It was a huge success!

    1. Thank you for sharing this with us! The CMA model is a great one for groups to use for their organization.


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